
*(it is an example, the papers and the names are not real)

World Congress on Climate Change

08.00-08.45 eception, delivery of documentation and access accreditation

09.00-09.45 Welcome words, Juan Carlos Burguillos García, Deputy Delegate for the Environment
Changes in the world, Judit Permanyer, member of the World Meteorological Organization

09.45-11.00 Round table 1: Evidence
We want to address the scientific evidence on global climate change due to human activity and its consequences that began to accumulate in the 1980s.

Moderator: Judit Sàez Cano, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (GIECC)
Marta Granellets, director of the SMC working group
Silvia Rodríguez, member of AEMET, Météo France

11:00-11:30 Breakfast offered by the organization.

11.30-12.45 Round Table 2: What are the main characteristics of the IEEE Emissions Scenarios?
We want to deal with the four families of emission scenarios, which have some main characteristics.

Moderator: Ferran Benguillos, director of the IPCG
Sergio Barragán, director of the WMO MEDARE initiative
Jonna Larsen, European Climate Assessment and Dataset (ECA&D)
Karen Holmgaard, UK Met Office (UK)

13.00-15.00 Break for lunch.

15.00-16.15 Round table 3: What effects will the current climate change have?
We want to know the effects that the current climate change will have using global climate circulation models (GCCM), which try to take into account the main radiative forcing of the climate (solar radiation, volcanism and GHG concentration)

Moderator: Cristóbal Pavia Salvador, Professor of Ecoeconomics at the University of Barcelona
Lluís Márquez Urbano, Catalonia-France-Andorra Territorial Cooperation Operational Program, POCTCFA
Kram Lindberg, Report of the Working Group of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Sharon Rutherford, Cambridge University Press

16.15-17.15 Good practices
Coordinator: Marta Aguilar Cano, Department of Astronomy and Meteorology of the University of Barcelona

17.15-17.30 Brief conclusions of the Conference and closing
Jordi Llabrés, Department of Astronomy and Meteorology of the University of Barcelona